Beehive Cheese - Have Your Cheese and Eat It Too

Photo courtesy of Beehive Cheese

Photo courtesy of Beehive Cheese

When life gives you an opportunity, you have two choices. Either ignore it or go all in. For Pat Ford, life's opportunity came in the form of a mid-life crisis. After a successful career as a real estate developer, the energy and excitement that came from his job began to disappear. The constant pressure of deadlines, demanding bosses, and commuting kept adding up, and Pat was in need of a change.

After words of encouragement from his brother-in-law, Tim Welsh, Pat took the plunge and left his job. With only family and self-funding to support their mission, Pat and Tim dove into the world of artisanal cheese making. After years of hard work, creativity, and a little risk taking, what arose was Beehive Cheese Co. Crafted in Northern Utah, Beehive Cheese Co sources all local ingredients to create their creamy and unique cheeses. With an emphasis on high-quality and natural ingredients, every step of the cheese-making process is thoughtfully planned to bring the local flavor to the forefront.

While Pat and Tim made zero income for the first two years of Beehive Cheese Co's existence, the awards and raving customer reviews were proof enough that they had found what they were meant to do. What followed were numerous awards, state-wide distribution, and a growing company that continues to create innovative and delicious artisan cheese.

Join us as we sit down with Pat Ford, and get an in-depth look into what has become Beehive Cheese Co. Full of inspiration and life-lessons, all of us can find a piece of ourselves in this story.

This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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