Deep Water Soloing

Behind the Psicobloc Master Series

A legendary competition

Shot over two years at Utah Olympic Park's 750,000-gallon freestyle aerial training pool, I had the honor of playing a role with my old crew in this Emmy-nominated Park City Television production.

Psicobloc — a form of solo climbing over a (deep) body of water — is undoubtedly one of the most unique and purest forms of climbing. Elite climbers like Chris Sharma make regular pilgrimages to exotic locales like Mallorca to push the envelope of technical climbing and experience the special challenge afforded by Psicobloc.


  • Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards - Nominated: Sports - One-time Special (2015)

  • Utah Broadcasting Association UBEE Awards - Best News Photography (2014)

  • Utah Broadcasting Association UBEE Awards - Best Sports Story (2014)


Cannondale Bicycles - Dream in Black Inc.


Park City Television - High Altitude Entertainment