Vive Juicery - All About Local, Cold-Pressed Juice
Photo courtesy of Vive Juicery
Vive Juicery is a cold-press juice shop in Sugarhouse that makes fresh fruit and vegetable juices—and it's the product of Brittany Thaxton's blood, sweat, and tears over the past two years. Vive is celebrating the grand opening of their second location in downtown Salt Lake City, right by People's Coffee on 219 E Broadway.
In this episode of The Utah Foodie, our host Chase Murdock chats with Brittany to reflect back on Vive's last two years, starting all the way to their farmer’s market days, to the original Kickstarter campaign that got them the startup capital they needed to make Vive a reality, and all the way up to today, where they have 20 employees, two locations, and press a lot of juice.
This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
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