Squatters - A History of Utah’s Purveyor in Craft Brewing
Photo courtesy of Squatters
In this episode of The Utah Foodie Podcast, our host Chase Murdock talks with the man behind Squatters: COO and General Manager, Doug Hofeling.
Since quietly opening their doors on Broadway in 1989, Squatters has become a Utah staple in the restaurant and brewing scene. But when co-founders Peter Cole and Jeff Polychronis were getting started, their intentions were simple: they just wanted great beer, a friendly atmosphere, and a culture focused on quality, their community, and the environment.
Squatters has always been successful, but the last five years have been explosive. In 2012 they announced a merging with their friendly competitor, Greg Shirf at Wasatch Beers, and the Utah Brewers Cooperative -- a massive brewing and bottling operation in South Salt Lake. They were also acquired by Firemen Capital Partners, a private equity group in Boston who wanted to invest in the craft brewing business and help Squatters and Wasatch combine and expand.
Today, Squatters boasts five high-volume brew pubs in Utah and ships bottled craft beer to 16 states. They've been listed as one of the Top 50 craft brewers in the country and hold 17 World Beer Cup awards, which is a feat only two other brewers in the US can also claim. As Squatters continues to expand and receive recognition for quality beer, many in our state feel they are representing Utah and shattering our historic reputation of not appreciating a great brew.
Importantly, Squatters has been able to maintain its commitment to a triple bottom line philosophy of People, Planet, Profit, that drives an emphasis on investing in the community as well as eco-friendly, ethical, and healthy food.
Join us in this episode as we further explore all of this and get to know Doug Hofeling, the man at the helm of this reinvented craft-brewing leader.
This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted and produced by Chase Murdock. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
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