Scott Evans - Pago, Finca, East Liberty Tap House, Hub & Spoke, and Trestle Tavern
Photo courtesy of Scott Evans
Let us make a bold statement: Scott Evans is the personification of what we stand for as a podcast. In 2009, Scott saw the potential of Utah’s food scene, the cuisine and concept gaps in the area, and decided he was ready to do something about it.
After his father’s death and before his first restaurant, Scott Evan’s love and passion for sustainable food and progressive ideas led to an exploratory life path where food became the guiding light. He spent years in restaurants and elite five-diamond hotels before setting off on his own path, opening Pago in 2009 in the 9th and 9th neighborhood in Salt Lake City.
It was one of the first farm-to-table concepts in Salt Lake City, and at Pago, he created a small army of chefs, baristas, servers, and bartenders who brought quality and energy to the flourishing Salt Lake community. Over the coming seven years, Scott Evans introduced four additional top restaurants in Utah’s food scene.
On this episode of The Utah Foodie, we sat down with Scott Evans, the founder of Pago, Finca, East Liberty Tap House, Hub and Spoke, and the newly opened Trestle Tavern. You could say he’s a busy guy. But with these restaurants comes a fascinating story of growth, opportunity, passion, and a commitment to people that truly shows just how valuable these small businesses are to the community.
Join us as we get to know local restaurateur Scott Evans, and learn more about how these restaurants have shaped our community.
Episode Sponsors
90.9FM KRCL — Community Connection and Music Discovery
The Chocolate Conspiracy — A project in pure, raw, honey-sweetened chocolate.
Maddox Restaurant — Featuring completely from scratch recipes in Perry, UT. since 1949, sourced and crafted from the finest ingredients available.
Beltex Meats — A small butcher shop utilizing local meats and sustainable practices. Specializing in the craft of whole animal butchery at 511E 900S
GREENbike — Salt Lake City’s non-profit bike share. Their bikes are ready to ride, one-size-fits-all, and located at popular downtown hot spots. Take as many 1-hour rides as you want for an entire year for only $75.
This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
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