Ry Samanka - Ventricle Media

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R&R BBQ - Competitive Fire to Smoke Your Brisket

Photo courtesy of R&R BBQ

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When you think about BBQ, the South immediately comes to mind. It’s the birthplace of BBQ, and opinions are strong. But for Rod and Roger Livingston, the founders of R&R BBQ, BBQ was a fond memory from their childhood family reunions and a fun hobby in their adulthood. After prompting from a friend, Rod and Roger entered a backyard BBQ competition, and before they knew it, they were on the competitive BBQ circuit. And they were good. Really good.

After years of competing and winning accolade upon accolade, Rod and Roger began to entertain the idea of actually starting a full-time barbeque joint. They began dabbling in catering, and after three years of growth and lessons learned, their first restaurant was born. And it’s only gone up and up since.

On this episode of The Utah Foodie, we learn about R&R BBQ, the restaurant that’s bringing competition-level BBQ combined with simple, family-approved sides to Utah. Oh, and Rod and Roger throw in some home barbecue and smoking tips along the way too. Enjoy.

Episode Sponsors

90.9FM KRCL — Community Connection and Music Discovery

The Chocolate Conspiracy — A project in pure, raw, honey-sweetened chocolate.

Maddox Restaurant — Featuring completely from scratch recipes in Perry, UT. since 1949, sourced and crafted from the finest ingredients available.

Beltex Meats — A small butcher shop utilizing local meats and sustainable practices. Specializing in the craft of whole animal butchery at 511E 900S

GREENbike — Salt Lake City’s non-profit bike share. Their bikes are ready to ride, one-size-fits-all, and located at popular downtown hot spots. Take as many 1-hour rides as you want for an entire year for only $75.

This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Copyright © Ventricle Media, LLC

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