Ry Samanka - Ventricle Media

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Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen - The Flavor Is In The Details

Photo courtesy of Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen

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Utah is experiencing an influx of food diversification. No longer must we settle for chain restaurants, or the same three cuisines over and over again. With our expanding food scene comes more options for consumers, better quality food, and a large variety of options for those who have specific dietary needs.

Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen truly highlights how this expansion is not only benefiting the vegan, vegetarian, and diet-conscious consumers but entire neighborhoods. Because who doesn’t want affordable, local, from-scratch food?

Founded by Thomas Kreitlow, Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen is a unique blend of pressed juices, paleo, vegan, and Whole30 food and beverage options that check the box of all eaters. With a philosophy of using every single item to its fullest extent, Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen goes to great lengths to minimize waste, maximize flavor, and deliver above-average quality.

Join us as we hear Thomas’ story, the inner workings of this ambitious restaurant, and see just how valuable this type of restaurant is to the Utah food community.

Episode Sponsors

90.9FM KRCL — Community Connection and Music Discovery

The Chocolate Conspiracy — A project in pure, raw, honey-sweetened chocolate.

Maddox Restaurant — Featuring completely from scratch recipes in Perry, UT. since 1949, sourced and crafted from the finest ingredients available.

Beltex Meats — A small butcher shop utilizing local meats and sustainable practices. Specializing in the craft of whole animal butchery at 511E 900S

GREENbike — Salt Lake City’s non-profit bike share. Their bikes are ready to ride, one-size-fits-all, and located at popular downtown hot spots. Take as many 1-hour rides as you want for an entire year for only $75.

This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Copyright © Ventricle Media, LLC

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