Ry Samanka - Ventricle Media

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Naked Fish Japanese Bistro - The Flavor Is in the Details

Photo courtesy of Naked Fish Japanese Bistro

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When thinking about high-quality, fresh sushi, a restaurant in Utah doesn’t immediately jump to mind. But Johnny Kwon, one of the founders and the owner of Naked Fish Japanese Bistro, is working to dispel that assumption. High-quality, authentic sushi can be found in Salt Lake City, and it will change your expectations about what sushi, and Japanese cuisine, can be. 

Before Naked Fish Japanese Bistro arrived on the Salt Lake City food scene in 2009, the Latitude Group owned and operated numerous restaurants throughout Salt Lake City, Park City, and the Wasatch front. Mikado, the first Japanese restaurant in the state, was under their umbrella. After a series of unfortunate legal issues, Mikado and the Latitude Group went under. What was left in the wake were some of the top chefs in the state, and a hole that needed to be filled.

Johnny Kwon and his business partners took on the challenge, and Naked Fish Japanese Bistro was born. Their goal was to put authentic Japanese cuisine and high-quality food as a priority in all of their decisions. With Akane Nakamura serving as Executive Chef and Sunny Tsogbadrakh as Executive Sushi Chef, Naked Fish places an emphasis on quality and attention to detail both in the front, and back, of the restaurant.

Join us as we learn about the detailed sourcing that goes into the food, beverages, and preparation of every item at Naked Fish, as well as the tips and tricks to eat sushi like a pro.

This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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