Ry Samanka - Ventricle Media

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La Barba Coffee – Good Coffee For Everyone

Photo courtesy of La Barba Coffee

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La Barba got its start selling small-batch coffee in farmers markets and searching for local businesses interested in carrying fair trade, direct trade, and rainforest alliance certified coffee. They were passionate about their roasting technique and had a simple mission that drove what they did: bring good coffee to everyone in Utah.

Just a few months after La Barba Coffee's five-year anniversary, their mission continues. But now in 2018, it spans across 20 employees in three locations, including a coffee roasting production facility in South Salt Lake. Their fourth location is planned to open in mid-2018 at The Gateway. 

In this episode of The Utah Foodie, we sit down at their coffee roasting facility with Joe Evans and Levi Rogers to hear their story. We learn about their coffee roasting approach, their future plans, and even get a couple of home brewing tips to try at home.

This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Copyright © Ventricle Media, LLC

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