Epic Brewing Company - Packaging Experiences In a Bottle
Photo courtesy of Epic Brewing Company
When Epic Brewing Company opened its doors in 2010, they offered a unique craft beer that was a little hard to find in other areas of the state. They sold a high alcohol content beer in 22oz bottles and were empowered by new liquor laws that allowed them to sell their beer products directly from the brewery. Their goal then, and still today, was to turn craft brewing on its head. And indeed they have.
With over 50 varieties of beer, a presence in 25 states, and restaurants located in Sugar House, Salt Lake City, and Denver, Epic Brewing Company brings fun and community to craft brewing. Cause what’s the fun of beer if you’re not sharing with friends?
Episode Sponsors
90.9FM KRCL — Community Connection and Music Discovery
The Chocolate Conspiracy — A project in pure, raw, honey-sweetened chocolate.
Maddox Restaurant — Featuring completely from scratch recipes in Perry, UT. since 1949, sourced and crafted from the finest ingredients available.
Beltex Meats — A small butcher shop utilizing local meats and sustainable practices. Specializing in the craft of whole animal butchery at 511E 900S
GREENbike — Salt Lake City’s non-profit bike share. Their bikes are ready to ride, one-size-fits-all, and located at popular downtown hot spots. Take as many 1-hour rides as you want for an entire year for only $75.
This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
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