Ry Samanka - Ventricle Media

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Creminelli Fine Meats - From Italy to Salt Lake City, to Every Starbucks Across North America

Photo courtesy of Creminelli Fine Meats

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The story of Creminelli Fine Meats begins several hundred years ago, in a small town in Northern Italy. It was then, in the late 1700s, that a man called Francesco Creminelli would open a humble cheese and salami corner shop business that would come to change his family’s history forever. 

Today, four generations later, Francesco’s great-grandson Cristiano Creminelli is at the helm of a thriving family business now called Creminelli Fine Meats. In a risky move in 2007, Cristiano moved from Italy to Salt Lake City — and the risk paid off: Today, Creminelli Fine Meats is one of the world’s leading high-end charcuteries, specializing in artisanal salami and cured sausage made just a few minutes west of downtown Salt Lake City. Their meat products can be found in dozens of large national retailers like Whole Foods and Harmon’s, as well as over 12,000 Starbucks locations across North America.

On this episode of The Utah Foodie Podcast, we’re joined by Cristiano Creminelli in the KRCL studio in downtown Salt Lake City. Chase Murdock and Cristiano Creminelli discuss the Creminelli family history in Italy, Cristiano's decision to come to Utah, and how his company landed a large deal with Starbucks as a provider of the meat in one of their breakfast sandwiches.

Tune in to hear our conversation with Creminelli Fine Meats owner, Cristiano Creminelli.

This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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