Chelsea Nelson and the Craft Cocktail Takeover
Photo courtesy of Heartbeat Nosh
To say we're fans of craft cocktails would be an understatement. Their emergence throughout the Utah food scene has been meteoritic, and when good craft cocktails arrive on the scene you better expect good things to follow. We've often talked about the craft cocktail scene in Utah, especially on episodes with Bar X, Handle + HSL, Zest, and Beehive Distilling. The last 10 years has been a craft cocktail renaissance (of sorts), and the emerging popularity of these beverages has taken a firm hold of our quickly growing state.
While we're fans of these delicious delights, we're by no means experts. That's why we're thrilled that Chelsea Nelson, the founder of Heartbeat Nosh, was able to be our guest host this episode!
Chelsea is joined by Scott Gardner (Water Witch, formerly HSL), Amy Eldridge (Under Current) and Jessica Sandberg (Under Current), all craft cocktail masters who bring thoughtfulness, playfulness, and heart to the drinks they create.
Join us as we learn from these craft cocktail experts, and learn everything you need to know to begin your own craft cocktail education.
Episode Sponsors
90.9FM KRCL — Community Connection and Music Discovery
The Chocolate Conspiracy — A project in pure, raw, honey-sweetened chocolate.
Maddox Restaurant — Featuring completely from scratch recipes in Perry, UT. since 1949, sourced and crafted from the finest ingredients available.
Beltex Meats — A small butcher shop utilizing local meats and sustainable practices. Specializing in the craft of whole animal butchery at 511E 900S
GREENbike — Salt Lake City’s non-profit bike share. Their bikes are ready to ride, one-size-fits-all, and located at popular downtown hot spots. Take as many 1-hour rides as you want for an entire year for only $75.
This episode of The Utah Foodie was hosted by Chase Murdock and produced by Ryan Samanka. Visit our episode archive on Ventricle Presents, and stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
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